How 'bout that RPG maker fes coming out on 3DS? What do you think will happen to the SB community here?
For those who don't know, RPG maker does not allow you to make Rocket Propelled Grenades, but it its a really old program that allows you to make Role Playing games on PC, but now for 3DS!
Don't Care?
Maybe I should post about SB more often than other things?
It rhymed.
Anywho I'm sick of making multiple discussions for this game. So I'm just gonna have this giant discussion where you can ask me qna, volunteer to help or just suggest features.
have a fun.
How do I make it so that when the character moves, so does the backround? I don't know how to use BGOFS. I'll display a screenshot of my code in the comments, and could someone tell me where to put BGOFS.
Hey everyone! Being a developer and having a busy schedule that does not involve programming is tough! Revenge of the Gods is still a top priority and an update should come this or next month. I will soon start releasing screenshots of the next update from now on. I hope you are excited and thanks for the support!
this is beautiful * 0 *
someone could make their own horror RPG with this thing! However all' the buttons and codes are confusing so i don't know where to start yet.