Two questions:
1) does this game have a set of Super Mario Maker assets?
2) is there a translation of this?
Otherwise, great work! this thing is awesome!

How 'bout that RPG maker fes coming out on 3DS? What do you think will happen to the SB community here?
For those who don't know, RPG maker does not allow you to make Rocket Propelled Grenades, but it its a really old program that allows you to make Role Playing games on PC, but now for 3DS!
Don't Care?
Maybe I should post about SB more often than other things?

Anyone else find it funny that nintendo doesn't let us download our ds games on the 3ds VC, but gives it to the wii U, even though the 3ds has the arm9 processor for... ds games.... just me?

How 'Bout that nintendo switch reveal?
*Don't Care
*This doesn't belong in the SB miiverse

How bout that nintendo direct?

There really is no easy way to move sprites to PC...

The game I've been programming is called PANDORA: The adventure begins. The plot is this: you live on the planet of Pandora, a planet made 90 percent of water. A gang called land pirates emerged and pirates everything. They steal and do "evil stuff". You play as a shieldsman, and that's all I can say for the moment.

Hey, so, I was originally not going to say anything, but I think it unfair to leave for a while and not say anything. My 3ds touch screen somehow is so messed up that I cannot touch some regions of the upper right hand corner, so I can't type. Also, I made the mistake of using browserhax, so my files are all gone. I am so thankful I regularly back up my sd, but this really set me back.

Eureka! Clepto did it! He got floor collisions working! now for walls!

Sorry for the lack of updates! I've still been running in circles due to confusion, and the main problem: collision with the bg layer. Floors and platforms dont work, rpg wall collision doesnt work... so i've been mentally takin a break!

Please don't ask for a key...
anyways, I am taking a short break from the game maker (It was getting frustrating) and took some inspiration from mmbn series to work on my game's 3ds demo. Nothing is final, so I hope I can make this into the platformer it was intended to be. For now, though, zelda w/o sword!

12ME21'S minecraft thingy looks creepy...

Question: Why cant we use start?
I'm starting to think that I should use Unity 2D/3D If i want to make a game...

game Player phase 1: load maps
I have no clue how I'm going to handle collisions, though...
