Trained my amiboo to lvl 50!

I'm working on car sprites for my game, what do you think?

^^^^^^^^^^^^ is coming soon!
It will have 30 levels of puzzle solving and adventure! It even has a level editor!
(btw, the game engine is working, I just need to make levels now)

what do you think is this is a good title screen for my game?

Is there a way to stretch a sprite in game, to make it look like it's changing angle?

This game..........
What is this? And how much does it cost?
1そうだね 未プレイ
working on random encounter and cath rate formulas.

Just because it's monospace doesn't mean it can't be fancy :)

The kid outside represents us crying that the development stopped and the purple guy represents the copyrights (not being mean about the copyrights or the fans just saying)

This is a pretty great game, apart from the fact that it's mostly japanese and the only characters are women.

can someone make long grass sprites for my game i realy need it for random encounters?

yes! bg collision is working perfectly : )!

i'm tryjng to figure out how i can move empty space 9 lets say up,and make whatever number is up down?
couls anyone help me

i forgot to tell all of you guys but. im starting a new game called, CityLife. now, im adding ALOT more to the menu and the game, cuz i started it yesterday sooo yeah. hope y'all like it when its finished. GoodByyyyyye

Merpasaur Studios looking for members!
The name is kinda weird, I know. But, as the title suggests, I am making a studio. Join by commenting. We screen shot the bits and pieces of coding from the bottom screen, then I write it down! Then, when the game is done, I put the pieces together! Who's in?
1そうだね プレイ済み
ok, so you guys know my menu on my last post right? well when you get on it, this is what i did to make it acculy GO IN the game. i need help

Five Nights At Goldies is out! Key in screenshot!
