Here's a little treat for puzzle fans. Nonograms!
It's completely done on console, so it looks quite ugly.
It's rather simple and barebones, but I plan on adding more features, like an editor to create and load puzzles, later.

Crafty Studios members wanted!
Join Crafty studios and post your bit of the game on miiverse with screen shots! Then I put them together! Jobs: Graphics, Sound, Sprites, and any extra jobs you ask for that I think are necessary! Who's in?
4そうだね プレイ済み
I'm trying to make scrolling text... Any suggestions to clear up the clutter?

Making a game. help
So before you comment go to there web for help dont, i need help from you guys. So im making a game for my comic "Nichys life" (at my profile) and im a begginner
i need help coding making sprites and other all i did right now is make the title and i dont know how to make the game itsself
so can you guys help
2そうだね プレイ済み
I know I'll be asking this about a million times, but I won't know the answer until I get an answer. How can I program walking left and right?

CityLife, the game were you walk around delmiino city doing stuff like mabey robbing,breaking stuff,roaming around,and MORE!!!! Coming....... well. ya know. soon.

finished,ready,and is coming out friday night,MABEY

i have some recomendations for this game its great thought but i need the creator

check it out I now can detect when I am in tall grass and have it look as if the character is walking through tall grass awesome! now to put in random encounters :)

ELUDE UPDATE BETA 1.3 (Menu Update)
Can't go off screen
Added menu
Changed captured caption from TAGGED to ELUDED
When you get eluded it shows human score and how much you go through the portal

Story Games
Does anyone have a GOOD game that has a story [like super paper mario] ??????
0そうだね プレイ済み
CommingSoon... X GOIN GIVE IT TO YA
