@Alex//Well, while it isnt exactly worthy of sharing with everyone that you deleted it, it is still better not to get involved with things that infringe upon the rights of others. Copyright is there for a reason. People dont just make things so others can steal and distribute it to everyone for free.
If there is a program that violates copyright, the game just gets taken down from online (No one can type the code to access it). If it is on your system already, it is just on your 3DS, so it isn't a worry.
You can make a straight carbon copy of ANY game you want and face no legal repercussions. But the moment you try to distribute that copywright material you open yourself up to legal repercussions.
@Lukas//Sure, while you won't have anything to face if it's already on your system, it's still not fair to have a redistributed copy of the game with stolen content. It would be better to just pay the $3 to get the real game for mobile/PC than to get involved with the project in the first place.
technique of how code frame work,algorithms to mini game are not the same as original fnaf it the plot of it story layout and content of the art and music too the games, concept that got it pulled I believe, but if you have it, learn from it on how they did the frame work of writing the code to mimic the game its not the best way on doing it but it worked on how they load images on actions ect.
Second the game was a remake of the game itself. That a no, no on copyright. copyright a good thing to protect the original authors, creation. Now there are those that buy patients just to squeeze people of money, we call them TROLLS... gee I can not use that word it be copyright by a TROLL!