I recommend you to write here what do you want to know about Japanese one-by-one. Japanese SmileBASIC users like me may answer your questions.
But please don't expect our quick responses because we're not so good at English.
Thank you! I have the first lesson worked out already. I will show the different kana to users and tell them differences.
Actually, one second please, I'll get a download key for it so you can see for yourself.
I've corrected just evident mistakes in your program.
Could you download and refer to 82NQ834J?
For example, an object is sometimes earlier than a verb in Japanese.
In current case, "にほんごを まなびましょう" is better than "まなびます にほんごを".
I've specified where I've corrected in your program.
Could you download 5KA8X5DF and search "modified" in downloaded program?
Please download it asap because I'll keep it on the cloud server temporarily.