Here's the first release of LPM!
LPM is a package manager that can quickly copy all the files you need for your new project!
To use: set it as your SMILE Button in OPTIONS
@Sim€on Check out who the author is ;)
actorbug is a japanese programmer.
@Cris I've written a whole manual at
Lowerdash is more advanced in that it controls the structure of your program, letting you create very large projects. Its probably best to understand the BASIC commands before attempting a huge project.
Let me know if you have a specific question.
@gad I don't know how useful that'll be; you have to download packages separately. Is there a better site to use than miiverse?
@Cris I definitely want to add a beginner section to the manual. I think its awesome people want to learn!
How easy to understand is this example?