That first screenshot reminds me of object-oriented stuff i did with python. The second looks C++ish. It all looks more complicated than I thought it would be, which is ...good? I suppose?
@raimondz - module and export are syntactic sugar for plain old basic. when the program is running, they are not in memory.
everyone else - MINECRAFT TOO HARD
@toxi - I don't think theres going to be a way around pointer syntax when passing objects...
I hope im wrong; but to work everywhere, main included, objects cant have sugar. since objects are functions, you can only pass their references as strings.
Is the underscore just a garbage variable to assign return values to? It might be a bit better to make _me a command that doesn't return any values.
Also, out of curiosity, how is the current instance specified?
Ah, I see this is something you're implementing yourself - I thought it was just examples of how to make functions in plain SmileBASIC. Phew!
Yep, keep up the good work and ignore the minecraft nonsense :)
@calc84 - Afaik, you cant define a function that takes args and returns nothing. I get syntax errors if I try to call one without assignment, hence "_".
me() accesses a copy of the heap data for an instance. right now it's stackless, and just overwrites the last reference.
If you leave out the parentheses, it becomes a command rather than a function and doesn't return a value. It's like the difference between PUSH and POP().
@Kl'Dck Hul
I know. I only suggested the use of # at the begin of the words because they are highlighted by the IDE. (And # is used for a few constants)
By the way, this is SB3CC(I didn't created that). I think i will upload the translation with a bug fix between tomorrow or saturday.