lol i played that japanease game it was epik
2そうだね プレイ済み
same man
i use to win allot of those cup in ball games :D
0そうだね プレイ済み
ya know how cave island zooms in
how do you zoom in like that?

lol my money
what ive been doing
step 1.Save your progress
step 2. goto the shack
step 3. gamble.
If you win leave the shack and go save at the mansion.
If you loose push start
then run the game again
and continue
you still have your money
so yeah
inifinite money grinding

dear miiverse admins
i know you deleted my post about the can you add me
i was not reffering to friending...
i was reffering to add me to the spritesheet
like add me as a character in the game
not adding me via friending
i was meaning i wanted to have a sprite (character) of me in the game and since pheonix is a pixel artist i was asking if i could get in
thanks for understanding
1そうだね プレイ済み
k guiz ooookay
we need pheonix's sprite sheet's
key and we need the overworld theme non winter one...
0そうだね プレイ済み
it doesn't die....
its quite sad...
0そうだね プレイ済み
how do i make it so if my sprite is in a certain area on the map that it pops up a dialog box?

sorry ran out of posts yesterday
yeah i did know that basic had been around that long
so cool though
0そうだね プレイ済み
whats a wild card?
in Smile basic
by wild card i mean
a symbol/number that counts as any number example
" ← wild card
if time<8:"" goto @event8
im using it like if its 8:00 this will happen even with any minute if the hour is 8 the event will still happen

hey nate
can you work on a found a
secrect sound
in zelda when you find a secrect
it plays that kinda sound can you
like make that sorta thing but
dont copy zelda we could get
copyright issues :/ i just mean
make a catchy jingle thats for
when you find a secrect thanks.
And pheonix can you like make a
main theme that plays on the
overground when your done with
the sprites thats all our work 4 2day
0そうだね プレイ済み
and im down to my last 2 posts but yeah nate what do ya wanna look like?
0そうだね プレイ済み
i have blonde hair light blue eyes
green shirt gray pants thanks also
pheonix in the story telling part the title theme plays but in a slow piano fasion is that cool?
are you fine with it? -PikaRyan
0そうだね プレイ済み
NOICE! ! ! love the spritework fits well with the artstyle anyway pretty soon im going to take a break (havent stopped programming since i told you it was 7:00)
0そうだね プレイ済み
...that was a waste of a post
if you finished Yug's artwork
can you give me da key (if you have any posts left) yeah it if you did finish
0そうだね プレイ済み
dont worry i did put bgmplay and i love it okay heres how it is nate's intro is before the title and when thats over the title comes up and phenonix's mml plays

if ye dont know mml strings are a good alternative they can also help with programming
: ‹~~ see that thats going to be our connecter
beep 1:wait 10:beep 16:wait 30 you can connect many commands you can connect every command too
print "hello world":wait 10:if button()==16 then color 9:print "strings are fun"
0そうだね プレイ済み