lol we can use characters by namco...
namco said so
so we're fine :D
1そうだね プレイ済み
i added a pointshop to blobbyworld here are some hats you can buy...
how do they look
1st one. sweatband
2nd one. hardhat
3rd one. miners helmet
4th one. Some plumbers hat ;)
shading will be done later
tell me if you like em
or tell me if you want more :D
i have plenty of time

Home Home HOMMEEEE!!1!!111
3そうだね プレイ済み
<"> hi im helperbot
/\ i will give you tips
tip1: master thease things pika taught you above...make text based adventure games
tip2: when you feel like you've mastered thease skills then start using sprites, then master those, use sprite collision, ect. ect.
2そうだね プレイ済み
start typing things then push the search button on the item you typed type print then use help to learn about print spset then help for sprites vars are varibles its how you make health, exp, hunger and more
if button==16 then health=health-1:beep 4(making a sound effect)
print "health";health
vsync 1
goto @loopy
2そうだね プレイ済み
oh sure nate i love pacman
i tried making pacman 2 on ptc...
that ended in failure...
so doing the original pacman would be awesome
i want to work on sprites :D
2そうだね プレイ済み
[last post]...sorry for the inconvinence this may have caused.... the project got corrupted in the cloud...

going to polish it up a bit, should be done tomarrow :D
1そうだね プレイ済み
Made a simple pixel art program
in my old engine
i didnt know the flexibility of this is this amazing...why did i stop working on this?

Blobby World vr a_1.22
a game like
note: Pressing A will kill you in this version...
this was to test the death compatibility...

here is the updated alpha build
in play mode...
pushing a kills your blob...
this was to test death

its like
on 3ds...
its unfinished...
no ai yet so far...
or food...
or map bounds...
its just a aplha build...
naming works...
this is a old version
today i got allot of stuff done
i still have to polish that stuff...
then add some map bounds, ai ect. then it should be done est release: fall (why so long)
i dont want to publish a half polished half done game as the final version.
0そうだね プレイ済み
changed the story up a bit for Blobby World :D

Blobby world Alpha_012.
This is a alpha build for blobby world, it is not a finished project yet, there are no enemies so far or food. Its just a build to show off what i have done so far
and to get you hyped for the release in fall.
I made all this stuff in 2 days...
the 2015 is when i came up with the idea during last fall...
but I tried to make it but I was a newbie now im more experienced...

Oh really?
it reminded me of mega man and zelda II LOL
1そうだね プレイ済み
How do you like the new bottom screen look for Blobby World?

huzzah the line 0:95 worked ;)
0そうだね プレイ済み
during the bgload it is display 0
but during bgofs something is wrong...
(also can you help on the data post i made thanks...or if you dont know help with the scrolling text?)
0そうだね プレイ済み