Garvin, you're in a mess now. It's fake, everyone, it's fake. Just back off, slowly, steadily, that's it, just a little more.
0そうだね プレイ済み
Not me or J.P. *epic voice*: We're 'The RickRollers'
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Why did some of the comments get deleted? Sometimes I wonder about those admins.
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Ok, here's the key for the newest AND-OS. I will say it's very good for such a small file.

But still, Max, this what you get for switching to progressive! Oh, sorry, wrong commercial. This what you get for asking for FNAFSB!!
1そうだね プレイ済み
But DANG IT SNOOKEMS!! you ruined it.....Darn...jus-just darn............yeh.....What?
0そうだね プレイ済み
*laugh track plays* Oh good job J.P!! I love pranks!!
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But Snookems, J.P just showed the FNAF SB key! Just let max enjoy it before it gets taken down.
0そうだね プレイ済み
Oh, J.P that's a really good (but dangerous) FNAF fan game, you sure you can trust him with it?
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Young one, apprentice, grasshopper.
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Hey J.P do you think it would be okay to upload that "undertaleSB" thing from snookems? I really wanna rickroll that Max guy, but I don't want to get in trouble for copyright. (preferably respond quickly, Max is waiting)
0そうだね プレイ済み
Yeah ↑↑↑ that's also very true. It does get messy.
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