Well, i feel like learning how to use maps and sprites and all of that other stuff since my next idea for a game will require them. So, if anyone has any tips or if anyone would like to help then please do help me!
Help is appreciated!
- King
Wow, this is embarrasing... So heres my theory on what DATA, READ, and RESTORE works, [especially annoying FOR TO but Ill get to it later] Is this 100% accurate or am I missing something??
Since I was able to get the map display to work correctly yesterday, I have now begun to work on map details. Soon there will be a wholesome, vibrant world to explore!
I updated new "Mancala".
Since first version,the logic of CPU were same.But this version 17/05/17 changed for some Cups and Free turn,then CPU had no mistakes of Sowing for several Free turn.CPU grew more smart.
New Public Key is [N32KYPGF].And "Randomaze" the small RPG changed some production.
Lets's play!