I tried to make a library, but I'm getting "Undefined variable" on B[], and "Type mismatch" on A[]. What gives? How can I use arrays on my library files? Either DIM or VAR keyword should work, but it doesn't in this case.
And with that, the third and final Polygon AI test is complete! This one picks a random location, and moves with a velocity of 2 towards that location! Once again, all displayed values are in the same place as the other AI tests, and the blue trail is where the diamond has been.
Post your Petit World skins here to earn a special gold texture pack for Petit World! I will pick the best skin I see.
Petit World created by Pocky
(see Smile Basic Source to download Petit World)
WATCH OUT SANTA! lol. I'm working on a christmas themed game this month I hope to have it done before christmas. it is going very well so far. I hope you all enjoy it when it is finished.
I sure hope my attempt to make a Japanese-teaching program isn't received like this! (Romaji: Neko ni koban. Meaning: Gold coins to a cat. Think "the cat doesn't know what to do with it!") ^u^
Okay, for those of you who are looking into making things bounce off walls, track a player, or move at the same speed to a new location everytime, I've published all three of my AI tests in one project! The key is V3D333R4.
(This Tournament will end on Christmas Eve. A.K.A. 12-24-2015)
-Must be finished and uploaded by Christmas eve!
-Must be an original project.
-Must include some challenge.
-Must have an intro (Giving credit to you).
-Must having nothing copyrighted!
-Must be a indie project (1-5 people but I am going to shorten it down to 1-3)
I'm looking to write some beginner friendly tutorials for Lowerdash and wanted to gauge the average ability in the community.
What are peoples reactions to this example?
I tried to only use "namespaces" and nothing else from LD.
Now that the general code for the map is almost complete (just need it to show you), now for the fun part: optimizing it and making it pretty. Especially optimizing. I mean, who wants to wait 20 seconds to open the pause menu?