New version of SmileShop available. See my Play Journal for the key. It is easier to comprehend.
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SmileShop v1.1.4 Now Available (in .SSE format, which can only be opened with SmileShop). It comes with a LogoCreator, which saves graphics into an array, and In-Game Keyboard Tutorial, based on sprites.
Here is the public key for those:
SmileShop v1.1.1(Normal format!) is available with this public key [45D4Z3].

It stores name, publisher, release date, logo, and program data all into a 1D array(newer files also have a signature so that you can't load files that aren't actually .SSE files). In the code, there should be a DIM PRG[0]. That is the array that is read. That is where you will find how it loads the data.
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SmileShop v1.1.2 Now Available! Its code is easier to comprehend. It also has faster download times and smaller file size. In .SSE format, of course!
Public key [42WXV88V]

The project folder TST does exist, by the way.
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I keep getting an error when I try to load particular files. Here is my issue:
LOAD"TST/TEST" 'Gives error
Both are nonexistent. I keep getting Illegal Function Calls with the second one, but not the first.
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Download the file and and press A.
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People who make games. That is what I mean by "developers". The mystery box is a mystery. But whatever you do, do not run it if you get the chance!
0そうだね プレイ済み
SmileShop v1.1.1 Now Availible
Public Key [45D4Z3]
Allows developers to package in a full name, logo, release date (you can't download before release date), publisher, and description all in 1 file!

SmileShop [Q32KNDA6]
Here is my eShop style app. What does it do exactly? It allows you to actually download files. It allows developers to add a logo, publisher, real name, release date (that means no downloading beforehand), and version with the game file, similar to the eShop.

Figured out how to make an eShop-style program! The data of the game being downloaded is stored in a 1D array with the game name, author, version, and logo data.

What is the public key for the tool you are using?
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Would anyone like to help me make Pokemon style NPCs for my RPG? For anyone interested, I need a front facing, back facing, left, and right facing sprites.
Demo delayed. Until A) Better tile collison. B) Origi contest is over.
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Created a PRG to Hex to Binary converter. Had it draw a pixel for every 1. It has its uses.

Yes. You could build a 128x128x64 world. Reasonable framerate. Like, 10-22 fps.
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Almost done with my RPG. Just need better tile collison detection through an array.

Anyone have a good BG collison algorithm? I have a method but don't like it becuase you can clip through parts of stuff.
