Windows Style Command Prompt
-Real, working commands
-Code Hinting (↑↓ to scrool through choices, ← to revert to normal)
-Batch style "scripts" (coming soon)
-Feels like Windows :D

国 | アメリカ |
誕生日 | 非公開 |
ゲームの腕前 | 上級者 |
利用したゲーム機 | ニンテンドー3DS |
フレンド | 0/100 |
フォロー | 17 |
フォロワー | 29 |
投稿数 | 72 |
そうだね数 | 162 |
取得日時 |
Hello. I am shyguy224, but I go by Shy Guy. This is my Miiverse account for 3DS. My favorite 3DS game that I have is SmileBASIC. Still working on Pokemon for SmileBASIC (its coming!). Ported Discostew's Large BG Scrolling Tutorial from PTC2. Created SmileShop for SmileBASIC. Planted the seeds for the eventual SmileCraft and created a fool-proof way to encrypt files with SmileBASIC.