I just found his videos lately and I am impressed. I took your suggestion. I don't know if I mapped it right, but it is cool. Thanks for the suggestion.
Anyone want to try out my text adventure game "I Lost my Ball"? The Key is: BDWE58AV
I noticed several people working on text adventures lately. I thought at the very least it would make good example code (even if it is a ton of code).
It is a fairly short game and shouldn't take long to beat. Please let me know any bugs you find.
Is it only SmileBASIC, or does it happen in other games too? If it is SmileBasic only maybe try redownloading. If everywhere the cable running data to your top screen might be breaking. Hope that isn't the case of course. Good luck.
I think you have to use sphome to to change the location a sprite rotates around. However from your description, it may be that you didn't set the flag in spcol that says to take scaling into account. Hard to say without code or a screenshot.
Your locate statements are kind of all over the place. If you could comment them out or replace them with PRINT : PRINT like in my last screenshot that would help debugging. My guess however is you aren't checking for A or B right and it is running both. Can you post your code again so I can check?
Just add your minimum value to the random number. Of course you would have to adjust the maximum passed to the rnd() function to compensate. x% = 5 + RND(10) would set x% to a number between 5 and 14 for example.
How big is your Blocks array? It is a two dimensional array right? I am guessing Map[cx, cy] + 1 is greater or equal to the maximum. Remember arrays are zero based, they don't start at 1.
I couldn't resist making a more generic function to check your input. I didn't want you to type nearly identical code dozens of times. This way you can pass it in a string of available options and get a true/false back. Keep looping if it returns false. Still more could be done like case conversion and trimming excess spaces but it works.