Attached is a simpler spfunc demo so that sprites can move/update themselves. Turns out my problem yesterday was not putting the function name in quotes.
The samples project I posted yesterday has a map loading demo. I think I called it mapload, just browse the folder, it should be easy to find. Note that you have to use the sc save function in the map editor to save a file per layer.
If instead of a cut scene you were looking for a sprite to get its own callback function each frame, then look into SPFUNC. Once set up you call CALL SPRITE once a frame and it will call all the SPFUNC sprite functions. The management number will be in the global CALLIDX. Was trying to make a demo but it got long and I could only get the line number form to work.
A2EE5KQV has my samples folder. There is a map demo in there. Bugsquish does sprite animation, as does samplecirclepd which moves around a sprite based on the circle pad. Most of them use button input, but looking up button in the in app help (type button then hit the ? button in the upper right) should tell you what you need. I don't have anything for cut scenes in that folder.
I put all my demos in a folder called Sample and published it. The key is A2EE5KQV. You want the file called TextMenu but feel free to look at any of the demo programs for inspiration. Have a good night.
I tried to keep it to one screen but did have to end up squishing multiple lines together more than I would have liked. When I tried something like the attached it was getting too big to share as a screen shot.
position and write it again at the new one. Just remember the ; so you don't start a new line. My first post in the thread has an improved version of your code. I turned the menu into a function. Set it up to pass in an array of menu items so you can reuse the code. Put the cursor handling in a repeat until loop, minimized screen redraw, and declared all variables with type specifiers. Good luck.
@menu when [a] hasn't been clicked instead. [a] is a hard one to not have exit immediately since you probably click [a] after typing run to start the program. Normally this will exit the menu as soon as it is drawn because the button is still held down. I would also recommend not redrawing the whole screen every time through the loop, you don't need to for this program, just overwite > at the old
Ok, for the error message it looks like you are hitting [start] instead of [a]. [start] is unfortunately off limits for smile basic code, and just stops the code.
As for errors, you add 2 to cy instead of 1 for the down arrow. The biggest problem looks like the last two lines. It looks like you want to break out on [a] but gosub back to the menu line again instead. I think you want to goto....
What kind of reference are you looking for if not a website? Also, if you don't have programming experience you need to set your sights much much lower. Minecraft and Terraria are way too high level for a first project and way too big. Try something more like hangman, tic tac toe, or guess the number. Anyway, I will second Petit Professor on YouTube.
Here is something I got with midpoint displacement. Still buggy and slow. Random midpoint were crashing on me and think I evaluate the same pixel multiple times. But it is pretty
Will something like the attached help? It assumes you saved the imdividual layers in the smile tool level creation tool using sc save, instead of the ordinary save command.
I was trying out diamond squares and got the attached picture. Runtime was REALLY long, think I may have a bug somewhere, but it is another terrain algorithm you may be interested in. Just make different height ranges into water, shore, plains, grass, moutains, and so forth.