You make video games with this easy go start but hard to make game maker. It's a revival of a language called BASIC, this application uses smileBasic.
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Spcol is basically setting up the sprite collision. You need spset before this. SPCOL control number of sprite, if you want to use spscale after this, then say true, is you don't then leave it as it is.
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Hope you can finish, shouldn't be that difficult for you.
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Storm, you could use the TOUCH OUT command, SPOFS with the TX,TY variables from the TOUCH to make a sprite move by the touchscreen. Use spcol and SPHITSP for sprite collision and when a sprite hits a sprite. You could also always go to
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You are welcome! I wonder when this game will release!
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Oh look some spaghetti code, try to make it cleaner, its hurting my eyes. Also never add wait. Why is everything so compact?
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It's ok Josiah, Santa would've looked weird anyways. Still makes up for it though!
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I'm making my own platformer engine, great for beginners aka people who know how to use DEF and such.
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I have petit computer, but there's no need to - There's already a CHRED in smilebasic.
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No, not really, I still can't figure out his raycaster at all.
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Check if you have already used the variable, try switching the two numbers for the sphitsp, and also change s>0 to something...
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spcol and such
This is so much awesome progress, even if its looks like nothing!
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