Don't mind the picture, its an old one. I need to know, should I continue smb3 or should I go back to smb1? I'm also thinking about porting over a super mario maker from petit computer with all its sprites and backgrounds and stuff, so that way its much more enjoyable. So what should I do? Port over Super Mario Maker PTC, start back on smb1 or keep going with smb3?
Nice! Questions.
1) How do you keep adding all of these chrs, I don't even know how to add more chrs...
2) how do you change the background to a solid color and o stars?
3) how do I add blocks, like coins and other stuff? Ik how to change the map by going all the way down to the data section and using ASCII chrs.
So it wouldn't be possible for your program to load a bg map and have a sprite in the middle like Mario kart or f-neko(Japanese game, check then go to resources, then go to games and programs list then find it)?
Ok then, lots of will try to do it because they want a free, handheld version of it. But ya know. Oh yeah, multiple levels are coming and if I can, more new blocms are coming.