pls note. its simple for a reason, to show how it works. but keep an eye out for my WIP game, alpha will come out soon and will have all those fancy things like a menu and what not :]
hey guys just made a small prg from my WIP game. it has sphitsp and AI movement that tries to eat you. also has simple hit point system and rnd music 99.99% of the time
GG, just finished the spirte collision test and a simple hit point system. The player also bounces back depending if they got hit from the left side or right side. now onward to AI movement
yea, also if theres no errors but nothing comes into view it's because you on the wrong layer. so if theres nothing on L0 then change everything thats L0 to L1 and keep doing until you find it
well for all you started I made a very simple bgm player that plays a random bgm every time, could be modified for a more adv version to include user define music and if it lands on same music it will play another instead
heres my coding for cpad movement, also you use spamin when the player moves for animation, if you want i could add that into the coding if you want if your stuck