Make a quick mock-up design of your framework for your game or project, then see what is wrong with it. Next, start over completely and make a second version incorporating what you wanted in the first version, then you can start working on graphics and game ideas fulltime.
In my experience, this actually works if you stick to it, compared to just the freestyle mess that usually happens when you
you probably didn't format the number right.
otherwise, i think you're either changing the example wrong, or looking at the wrong example.
formatting help:
Put it in an array and save with SAVE "DAT:NUM",ARR
Convert it to a string with STR$() and save with SAVE "TXT:NUM",STR
do you know what the IF statement is and does?
do you know what loops are and how to use them?
do you understand variables and their types?
please tell me which ones you know.
oh, and put this at the start of the code too: FOR I=0 TO X:STARS[I,0]=RND(400):STARS[I,1]=RND(240):NEXT
back to in the gameloop:
IF STARS[I,0] =< 0 THEN STARS[I,0] = 400 : STARS[I,1] = RND(240)
VSYNC 'look, ma! i'm stand-alone now!
you're going to want to make dots, keep their position stored, and then change it every frame.
so, in smilebasic terms this means we'll need an array to save, a FOR loop to change the positions of the dots, and GPSET inside of that loop to draw.
DIM STARS[X,2] 'the 2 means to save two values per item (x, y)
WHILE TRUE 'this is your gameloop or wherever the star movement is
The only thing you can use the IR port for is the Circle Pad Pro, and that is limited to the O3DS line, and it ONLY RECEIVES INPUT.
The IR port isn't powerful enough to function as a TV remote, even if you had homebrew.
There's one line of DATA with literally all the recipes in this format:
1st element to add, 2nd element to add, 1st element created, 2nd element created if applicable (otherwise -1), repeat.
Elements are identified as a number.
You can find these numbers by looking at the other line of DATA, which has all the names of the elements in order.
DATA 0,0,4,-1,0,1,5,-1,0,2,6,-1
DATA -2 'to show end
Petit Alchemy V1.06 is out! Over 100 elements to create!
Key is JKX3VX4M.
Drag elements onto each other to combine them!
Screenshots will be posted below.
Scratch has a setup where sprites have their own set of scripts each, and scripts can 'run at the same time'.
Sprites are defined before the program starts, and they have multiple 'costumes', or graphical looks. The graphical side of things is very limited, and the closest thing to a console is the visible list function they have.
It's at
I started there before moving onto Lua.