i really like all of your ideas, and they can be added. it might make the release date be pushed further ahead, I am definatly considering the pets, and the heavy metal theme of furniture.
The spongebob one is a definite maybe and the cartoon one I have a special Idea for ^^
If you guys have any
or -skills-
that you can think of please leave a comment, the top 5 of each will be added!
items must include-
what it does, what it looks like, and cost.
enemies, if you want you can make it in sprite creator and send me a public key. +skills,lv
and for skills Go crazy CX, and give me an sp cost for it!!! remember you can submit as many as you like ^_^
Hopefully sometime later in the month, Depends on school schedule, And Battles
I already have 10 moves that can be effectively used in the game, Along with 7 working items, I have 10 enemies done, and 2 bosses, The battles will be turn based.
The game itself has 15 main places, and they are not all accessible at first. The Full game will have
level up system
a full shop
a full hospital
a roman type fight level
an underwater world
full story
2 save slots
name placement
-smiles- U-umm Theres no playable content yet, I'm planning to release a demo soon tho. Right now i'm working on the fighting system... Do you have any moves you would like to see in the game?
Well for shooting I honestly have no Idea, but movements
wait 1
spset 1,(Your number)
spofs x,y
Gosub @m
goto @loop
if button()==1 the x=x+1
(press the help guid to see button controls to experiment w/ them)
It would be kinda like this
Wait 1
spset 0,1
spofs 0,x,y
Gosub @Move
Goto @mainloop
If b==1 then y=y+1
If b==2 then y=y-1
If b==4 then x=x+1
If b==8 then y=y-1
You have to toy with it, but after you set it right then it will move up with the up button etc