I've never been too attached to miiverse, but seeing eveyones reactions is pretty hard. Im not one for heartfelt speeches, so all I can really say is; Thank you to all the users who share their experiences, to all the artists for such great art, to all the SmileBASIC users for the great programs, and Smileboom too.
Thank you Nintendo, for allowing great experiences and fun!
What kind of problem(s) are you running into?
Also, here is some basic code to show two sprites, one on the top screen, and another on the bottom.
Keep in mind, that the arguments for XSCREEN may differ due to the requirements of the program.
and then move the sprites to lower than 239 pixels, although the [DISPLAY] is probably more useful
Be careful though because you cant use a sprite unless you called it from what the current display screen is.
So even if you say
... then typing in
will cause an error, because a sprite with management number 0 was not created on the bottom.
Its not ONLY bug fixes,
they also updated some of their sample programs, although, they mostly just added in how to play. I think they also updated the tech demo to match more the the Japanese version as well!
nobu is right!
The only way to upload an image to the browser would be from tne camera app, but how would we get an image from SmileBASIC, to the camera app in the first place, unless SmileBoom creates new DLC. Some people were also hoping that Nintendo would allow the game notes be able to take screenshots, which would help alot...
Nintendo please!
Try changing the True to False (or 0)
Gcopy 2,0,0,128,128,0,0,False
Gcopy 2,0,0,128,128,0,0,0
to omit the transfer of the transparent background.
Here is the code, its pretty simple actually,which would make sense, since its just circles.
If F is set to 0, the circle is not filled. If F is set to 1, then the circle is filled.
[Code is in the comments]
I wrote a instructions that makes a circle, and can fill it too, without the worry of if its obscured, or slightly off screen, I know its not revolutionary, I just want everyone to know about it, so they can comfortably use circles anywhere.
This is the sort of thing that I was talking about, where you copy the sprites from sheets loaded on different graphics pages. This way, you dont have to redraw the same sprites on different files when you need the same sprite throughout your program.
You could load the spritesheet that you need on a graphic page that you aren't using
ex: LOAD"GRP2:EX",0
Then use GCOPY to copy the sprites you need.
ex GCOPY 2,0,0,16,16,0,0,True
at least, that's one way.
@Random guy
Oh yeah, I forgot about that, and its funny beacuse it's a functional instruction, with no guide, at least not one that I cqn find.
Oh wow you're right, they turn blue like keywords, but no guide. I wonder if they do anything though.
!Spoiler Alert!
As we all know, SmileBoom made sure to include tons of useful commads and instructionsn for us to mess around with, but did you know there are actually secret commands, that don't show up in the help, or can be chosen when typing in the keyboard.
Although they are pretty funny to find on your own, here are two that have been found:
I would also like to point out that I doesn't have to be an instruction that programs can use. It could be a DIRECT mode only thing something like:
To where it would tell you to select an images,warning you about selecting personal images and what not. Then it would paste the image to a graphic screen, in this case, 0 (Default top screen) Then you can just save it! I'd be happy with that.