@Alex, also, now that I think about it, it DOES seem creepy for programsmto take pictures or you, using them for...whatever. *shiver*. From all your responses, Im thinking it just won't happen, so for now I'll stick to petitmodem. Thank you!
@Alex Ok I see your point. Though I'm not seeing any harm in a program taking an image, seeing that the only the player would see it. Also, even if camera itself can't be accessible, the ability to select images from the camera app would be nice.This reminds me of a Wario game where you use the camera to move, and the game would take pictures of you and put weird filters and backdrops.
Apparently, 5th Cell had to lay some people off, but are still working, even with the "tiny" amount of employment. I really hope they continue to make games, I really like 5th Cell. Also, because this is a SMILEBASIC community, here's a picture I drew using Su-kun's Pics Limited!
Some games/apps such as Butterfly:Inchworm Animation or Freakyforms, allows the camera function. Butterfly even lets you upload your animations, potentially containing pictures taken by the 3DS or video. But from your responses I suppose I'll take your word for it. Thank you!
A Miiverse community that allows screenshots is most likely a game that doesn't use any of the camera functions, such as the SmileBASIC communities. So do you think, since Miiverse is ending, that SmileBASIC will allow for use of the camera and import/export to 3ds camera app, or do you think SmileBoom will never allow pontentially personal images to be uploaded?
Thank you! I'm working hard to create images that aren't too pixelated. Also, When you say "space", do you mean space as in memory, or space as in actual space on the screen, because,now that you mention it, I could potentially see a problem in both those areas.
Started development of a remake of an original RPG named, 317.
(Development of the previous version(s) has been cancelled due to the project's inconsistent and overall inefficient coding.)
Coding the game is most likely the hardest part of making the game. While it may not actually BE hard, in comparison to everything else, it's pretty hard. So I think Toxi is saying that you would be doing the easier part while the coder would do all the hard stuff. And, SOME people may see you as doing, nothing.
This is how the R.O.B. program is progressing.
-R.O.B. is still missing body parts/animation/ceiling collision
-Camera needs to be improved
-R.O.B. needs his fighting mechanics.