You could load the spritesheet that you need on a graphic page that you aren't using
ex: LOAD"GRP2:EX",0
Then use GCOPY to copy the sprites you need.
ex GCOPY 2,0,0,16,16,0,0,True
at least, that's one way.
This is the sort of thing that I was talking about, where you copy the sprites from sheets loaded on different graphics pages. This way, you dont have to redraw the same sprites on different files when you need the same sprite throughout your program.
So copying the sprites on the GRP0-GRP3 Pages and pasting them on the GRP4 Screen. Alright, there are different character sheets. Let's see if I can't pull it off.
Try changing the True to False (or 0)
Gcopy 2,0,0,128,128,0,0,False
Gcopy 2,0,0,128,128,0,0,0
to omit the transfer of the transparent background.
I think I found a way to use my sprites in the different levels. I can use separate sprite sheets for each level containing everything. Including the boss. Sound like an idea?
Entire separate sheets can get huge. If your levels have some amount of sprite reuse, you should group sprites by association, maybe arranging them in commonly-sized blocks on each sheet. Using a mario example, one file might have the animation set for goombas, koopas, red koopas, and koopa paratroopas, and another contains buzzy beetles, spineys, lakitu, and hammer brothers.
when a sublevel is loaded it has a list of resources that it needs. Ex: We need the player, goomba and buzzy beetles, so following Akeem's GCOPY method we load the player sprites into an unused page and copy the relevant ones to the sprite page, load the first enemy sheet and copy the goomba block to the sprite page, and load the second enemy sheet and copy the BBs to the sprite page.