Northern Irland
I've Been Waiting Patiently But Still No Realase.
5そうだね 未プレイ
Has someone made a simple working 2D clone of Kerbal Space Program?

How do I use spcol and collisions.
I wanna make,like, interactions by pressing A.

Oh no, it's a bug in my code!
This and other useful features brought to you by Zee

I made a ship "game". The ship can shoot lasers, deploy a shield, and get destroyed by ships that could fly into it.

translucent gfill color
is it possible to make the gfill color translucent and if so how. i know you can fade a sprite but i am looking to have a text box show the map underneath throught the fill color.
1そうだね プレイ済み
I have released the first version of PLAT: Alpha 1.0. It is unfinished, and therefore may have glitches, oddities, and debug features. Key: 9K3K43RS

Started my first 'game.' It's a text adventure, so it requires a bit of imagination if you want to see pictures.

How do I load a map? I asked EVERYBODY but nobody will give me a simple answer! I just want a backround, people!

Help, please. When I tested this, immediately after I pressed A to start, it also started @WOODS, without the option to go to @START2 can you guys tell me how to fix?

3D Graphics?
How could I make a survival game with N64 Graphics? And how would you animate, or move that character with the Circle Pad? If you help, you'll get a follow and become an Official member of ▲Illuminati Studios▲.
2そうだね プレイ済み
HAIIII SMILEBASIC COMUNITY! I have another beta for you guys to test for my PC. Feedback is appreciated and key is in screenshot!

I have this idea for a game, but I have feeling it would be impossible. Some of the stuff I'm trying to code will probably be beyond my knowledge of programming. I want to ask a lot, but I think it would be really annoying for you guys. :(
This is why I'm not making a lot of games. :(
4そうだね プレイ済み
[E5W4D23E] v1.2 adds a third way to submit answers: drawing. Now it'll be much faster for everyone to learn Japanese. Just make sure you don't cheat.

Thanks to Stewart and Ju for helping with the image transfer!
