how would you enable sprite collision when you use spscale?

Quick quiestion:How do I put more then 1 sprite on the screen?:)

Maybe I should've used sprites for window animations a while ago, lel :P

May someone tell How to use the Mic please?:)

w-well guys tonight i'm gonna be releasing my very first game "RPG Z". there's only a few things to do like fishing and the stores almost done. please leave a comment on what you think ^_^.

Does anybody want to help me create a game, or want me to help them?
The picture is the ID to my game... i need help learning to program.

If anyone has made a PAC-MAN game on smile basic, let me know!

I have a question that needs an answer. I believe i could make some games that are better than my games now, if I knew how to make it detect background collisions. So just to clearify, i need to know how to make it detect a collision between a sprite and background layers. Please help me

Here's the first key guys!
like I said there isn't much... But there will be!

This game is so hard, but i want to keep playing so i can listen to this awesome soundtrack!

goalie even though i have a bad shot doesent mean you dive away from the new X(

got the goalie to move then i scored open side
