i have looked at lowerdash but i just dont get how i would convert my program into lowerdash. to learn lowerdash would be to learn a new language. wher would i learn it?
There is indeed a massive reference manual on SmileBasicSource.
I've also attempted to walk through my object-oriented design process in a tutorial on there. Of course, I managed to overcomplicate it :p. I hope to try an even simpler guide soon.
What kind of tutorial would be most helpful to you?
Do you need to see a game in motion?
i am just learning sb as it is. lowerdash seems like i would have to learn from scatch-as if i didnt know anything like printing a name on the screen. i learn from doing. compare and contrast. (this is how you load background 0,1,2 in sb --- this is how it is done i lowerdash). lowerdash looks so much cleaner than sb i would love to learn it but i dont even know where to start.
One thing to note:
Lowerdash is a superset of SmileBasic!
Loading a background is the same in Lowerdash as SB:
With Lowerdash, you might make a module "Level" that does that same code in a method 'start' that also sets up coins and stuff.
Later you could just write:
curLvl = new Level('level name')