#SPADD allows it.
ACLS:GPAGE 0,4:GFILL 0,0,63,63,0:GCIRCLE 32,32,31,#WHITE:GPAINT 32,32,#WHITE:FOR I=0 TO 2:SPSET I,0,0,64,64,1 OR #SPADD:SPHOME I,32,32:SPCOLOR I,RGB(96,255,255,255):NEXT I:A=0:R=0:D=1
WHILE TRUE:VSYNC 1:FOR I=0 TO 2:X=R*COS(A+2*I*PI()/3):Y=R*SIN(A+2*I*PI()/3):SPOFS I,X+200,Y+120,0:NEXT I:R=R+D:D=D*((ABS(R)<=100)-(ABS(R)>100)):A=A+1/32:A=A-2*PI()*(A>=(2*PI())):WEND
Sorry for the late response and thanks that looks complicated i needed to know how to do it because i wanted my game to have lighting effects ex: There is a lamp and i have transparent sprite over it so it will be like its glowing.
I'm sorry to make you worried for my complex program. I cannot attach screenshot here because of region lock. I'd like to show you my tiny program stuff instead. Could you download [4BE45EQE] and refer to "EX_SPOT" and "EX_FIREFLY"?
And please download it asap because I'll keep it on the cloud server temporarily.