SmileBASIC コミュニティプレイ日記Clayton DarkClay882016/07/31 07:33:38How do I treat these BG tiles like sprites?6そうだね 4返信プレイ済み2017/11/04 03:09:47に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[1]親投稿Hanzo rzsense2016/7/31 8:07I guess one of the easiest way to do it is to apply GRP5 to sprite with SPPAGE 5.3そうだね 未プレイ2017/11/04 03:09:47に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[2]親投稿Arrow♂ Arrow59882016/8/1 4:36Load "grp4:filename" Save the background Then use load command above with that files name and you be able to use them as normal sprites instead of background0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 03:09:47に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[3]親投稿Clayton DarkClay882016/8/1 6:24Ah ok, so that means I can't use my sprite sheet and the BG sheet at the same time. Well, it's good to know though. :P0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 03:09:47に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[4]親投稿Arrow♂ Arrow59882016/8/1 21:04Under sprite edit function try copying from one sheet to the other 0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 03:09:47に取得