how do i locate a sprite on specific place? when i type LOCATE *location numbers* and then SPSET *some sprite numbers* it just spawns on the top and not where i wanted
You should use SPOFS to locate a sprite on certain place.
Could you refer to preset helps as follows.
1) Type SPOFS on the console.
2) Press help [?] button on the keyboard.
Also, you can adjust the home position of the sprites.
With SPHOME instruction, once for each sprite.
By default, it's top left (0,0).
Sometime you need this reference point at the bottom/center of your sprite.
LOCATE position the cursor for PRINT instruction only.
For sprites use SPOFS spritenumber,X,Y
If you want to position your sprite 0 at the center (200,120) of the screen type at the end of your prog :
SPFOS 0,200,120
Remember that you can test most instructions in Direct mode.
Try this in Direct Mode :
SPSET 0,335
SPANIM 0,"XY", -60,200,100, -30,50,20
it works! but i have one more question, how do i make the text "PRESS ANY BUTTON TO CONTINUE" disappear? when i type ACLS the sprite disappears with the text and i want to make the text disappear alone without the sprite. see the screenshot for more info
i still have a little problem with it... i want to make the text flashing but the CLS command doesn't delete the text, so i can't make it happen. will you help me, please? the selected text on the screenshot is the code for the text that is supposed to flash but it doesn't
Next step is "PRESS ANY BUTTON TO CONTINUE" to be effective.
Your program never reaches line 17,
16 GOTO @LOOP branch always to line 9.
I suggest replacing lines 9 and 13 with a REPEAT UNTIL loop and avoid GOTO.
You can change lines 9 and 16 like this
'The code between 9 and 16, will be repeated
'Until you press a button
21 WAIT 300 '
well both of them works the same... i have to spam buttons in order for me to get to the @SPRITE loop, sometimes when i press the button once it does nothing