Do you mean the sprite page? you can use GPAGE 0,4 and use GSPOIT(X,Y) to get the color value of the sprite. You can also use GPAGE 4,4 to display and edit the sprite sheet.
The purpose is to be a basic raycaster, by using a sprite as the map to be rendered on GPAGE 0,0. Line 18 is used to control the slope of the ray. Look up sprite-based raycasting on Scratch for more.
I have no idea the reason why admin remove my post.
Actually, I've written the key on the newest post of my play journal. Could you find it?
Unfortunately I cannot attach screenshot here because of region lock.
No, that's not the one.
On the newest article of my play journal (in the attached screenshot, an armed girl is running against a big caterpillar), an US smilebasic user asked me to give him a key, and I gave him the key.
GSPOIT’s parameters should probably be float as it can only read pixel within a whole number. I’m not really sure what you are trying to do, are you trying to create a sprite or a drawing of a sprite on the graphics screen?