Because you call a double spofs, try getting rid of the spofs that doesn't use y as the y variable. So leave the one that is like Spofs 0,190,Y but get rid of the other one
Ah! Thanks. Just a simple error that I was too stupid to see. XD
Another question, how do change the Y position of the sprite to be on the grass? I don't know how to change it since a variable is in the Y position in the SPOFS
before you go into the loop with the jump code make y=the height that it looks like it is on the grass then in the jump code make if y>'the same number you chose before' then y='the same number you chose before':g=1:re=0
Wait nvm, I got it, SPHIDE.
THIS is my final question. When I finish level 1 in the game, I go to level 2 with my character on the finish line. How do I put it back to the beginning? Or reset it?
I don't understand. does the background move? and does the background get controlled by an x variable? if so then make your x variable equal to like 0 or your starting number for the variable
Well, to finish level 1, you need
to SPHITSP this door, then it goes onto level 2, same background, but the sprites are not in the same place as the first level. Let me draw it
Reset your x variable that you use to move your character. like when i said to set the y variable before the loop, make the x variable to the beginning area you want before you go to level 2
Give me your spofs for your character? so i can see how you move the character. (could you possibly upload it for a split second so i can download it then take it off the server?) also i'm wondering if this game is like this one i made KEY-[ TXNN4JQ3] it's not finished by the way
Not exactly. Mine is more like a level clearing game. Here's ze test key, tell me when you got it so I can take it off of the publishing thing.
Key - [NKA4A3E3]