Kalamari: I love Colors3D, but without Miiverse support it has little practical use. Pics Limited is a little rough by comparison, but at least it offers that support.
See, this is why everyone should own SmileBASIC. For $10 (or $5 if you buy it right now) you can get a bunch of apps that can replace a whole bunch of eShop apps. And of course, plenty of fun games on top of that! Some of which would probably make good eShop games themselves. (Celeste, for example)
I almost, almost passed on the purchase, since I didn't get much use out of PetitComputer for the DSi. Glad I went for it now that I know what it can do.
can someone translate help file for those that dont know how to read jp...
i'm impressed they did great job on layout of interface and kept it simple and clean, i really like the title screen, great job on it!