SmileBASIC コミュニティプレイ日記TekeMan gameboyfan123452016/01/01 17:03:45How can I count the collisions my sprite makes using the gputchr command?2そうだね 3返信プレイ済み2017/11/04 04:06:05に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[1]親投稿Zee Storybookten92016/1/1 23:18I'm not sure that GPUTCHR is what you're looking for... GPUTCHR has nothing to do with sprites. All it does is put a text character on the graphic screen. You might need to use a for loop to test collisions instead.0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 04:06:05に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[2]親投稿TekeMan gameboyfan123452016/1/2 6:26How would I do that though, i just need a simple code to count collisions1そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 04:06:05に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[3]親投稿Zee Storybookten92016/1/2 15:57FOR I=0 to 511 IF I==TEST THEN CONTINUE IF SPHITSP(TEST,I) THEN INC HIT NEXT0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 04:06:05に取得