I played it and its very fun, but it would to be able to save my progress. Another thing that would be nice is being able to see the prices beyond just the first two decimals.
Well, I kept it at 2 decimals because dollars, cents, you know... But having it act as the 2 decimals when purchasing/selling may be better. Thanks for the suggestions. Saving should be in the next update, it's already in the code if you looked.
Ok, but what if it showed how much money total for selling/buying? For instance, if i bought 4 stock that cost $1.25, it might actually cost a little more because it actually costs $1.2549. I think this is how it works right now? So it might be nice to see how much I'm actually going to get/pay. Whaddya think? :)
Yeah, that's what I mean. When raising, it will take that amount into consideration, but when buying or selling it will do something like VAL(FORMAT$(%9.2F,PRICE)).
Yeah that might be good, but when you get to really low stock values, It would be good to have that extra precision. They've gone as low as 0.00, so if you shortened it to two decimals, it would be free. Sometimes it even goes negative.