Thats cool! I cant wait for it ive played games from the nes through the N64 having these apps available is awesome now i could make them as well! i still miss perfect dark 64 though
So What Kind of additional features do you want added in.
Me i personally would like for them to increase the capabilities to a little above PS1 so you could literally make any videogame you want all the way to PS1 calibre games. like a Full on RPG as long as Final fantasy ix or chrono cross that would make this app EPIC!
Ya know i had an idea people could make their own flash videos like super mario bros z and stuff with this app only in basic since it can do snes graphics someone should make an animation studio with this app for a Smilebasic youtube channel of sorts but how multiplayer works idk.
Never mind exec is what you could use and it brings the memory all the way back up to! also...... I PLAN ON LEARNING THIS THING! this is Much bigger than mark II As well.
Are you allowed to load a file with a def command on file 3 then execute a call command from file 0 to file 3 i keep getting an error for some reason when i run it if so how
Awwwwwwesome! nintendo kinda messed that up by it only being club nintendo exclusive but then again i was in the ambassador program so it evens out i guess
yeah if you ever played classic nes and snes even gba games in your lifetime this is a great application to make your own games. But only if your not afraid to learn something new.
Are you allowed to create a def statement say ll with prgset on slot 1 then from slot 0 use call "ll i keep getting undefined label yet it writes to slot 1
also if i use def ll without prgedit but use prgedit 1:2 prgset "print mm" then next line is call "1:ll" it doesn't print mm at all like i never used prgset at all yet its clearly there