Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss the easy screenshot feature, and being able to easily keep people updated on what I'm working on. (Which hasn't been much) Don't forget to post all your game keys to SmileBASICsource! Farewell!

国 | アメリカ |
誕生日 | 非公開 |
ゲームの腕前 | - |
利用したゲーム機 | Wii U/ニンテンドー3DS |
フレンド | -/100 |
フォロー | - |
フォロワー | - |
投稿数 | 444 |
そうだね数 | 1017 |
取得日時 |
Miiverse is closing on November 8th, 2017 as you probably know already, miiverse is closing, so please save any past keys for smilebasic that you have and from here on out post them on smilebasicsource. (Google it) Thank you randomouscarp for SBS which is essentially saving everything from going to absolute tihs. (Spelled backwards) If anyone has any questions, just ask me or someone on SBS.