That's super cool...uh...I think I explained something wrong.
I trying to make it so that when the red hair guy, touches that BG ladder, there will be collision detection.

Would it be possible if you could explain in detail an example of sprite to BG collision? I'm totally lost.
(Sorry if I sound like a noob, but I am one so...)
0そうだね プレイ済み
Question: Is there a command or a way for sprite to BG collision detection? (Like SPCOL, but for BG sprites)

@Person(JP) My o3DS had the same problem, It's not the sprite making tool's fault unfortunately...sorry.
And that's probably the best part: you don't have to be some kind of expert programmer or sprite maker to be a part in it's creation, if you've made a good bub level, then I'd love to include it in the game. (And of course you'd get credit for the levels you made in the credits)
1そうだね プレイ済み
@Person(JP) As I had said, I'm no kind of ringleader, if you're really good at making sprites, then you can do that, or if you have a couple (Or more) levels that you made, then that works too. =)
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@PChicken I'm not sure what you mean...I have bucket loads of ideas for new mechanics, and levels in the game...If that's what you're asking.
Example: I had thought of an idea for simple improvements like making the levels bigger, so that more items could be in them.
and...honestly a bunch of other ideas; but there's no point in mentioning them because I'm not THAT skilled of a programmer.
0そうだね プレイ済み
@Scientist Welcome to Miiverse lol.
2そうだね プレイ済み
(Okay, last comment)
This isn't something that I'M just making, this is something I thought a group of people who enjoyed the original bub could build upon, so the game will be credited to everyone for they're parts, thus, that doesn't make me some sort of ringleader at all. If anyone has any questions, ask away.
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Here are some things that can make this fanmod better:
Original sprites, original music, or even helping me with level design.
(There's also room for a skilled programmer for new features, but I don't think anybody who's good at programming wants to waste they're time with this lol.)
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This is simply an idea, I may or may not make this if nobody seems interested. So I have level design covered on my own, but I plan on making somewhere between 32 and 48 levels so if anyone made a good bub level then feel free to share.
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First, if you haven't played Bub, then you should definitely check it out and come back after you've played it. KEY: 83DXN3L4
0そうだね プレイ済み
Bub fanmod idea!
I don't know how you feel about the puzzle game Bub, but I personally loved it! So much so that I've made roughly 12-16 original Bub levels on my own...And that got me thinking about an idea for a fanmod for bub! Since that's a lot of work, (Seeing as I already am working on a puzzle game) I was wondering if anyone felt as passionate about Bub, and wanted to contribute anything.
2そうだね プレイ済み
Hopefully, (If my sprite-ing skills improve) It will look more detailed then games like box boy, the black-and-white blends with the game's design, atmosphere, story, and it's great because I'd never be able to make really nice looking graphics lol.
0そうだね プレイ済み
Let me know when you have the gameplay programmed! =)
0そうだね プレイ済み
It is a well made game, though I never figured out how to play...(Nor did I care)
0そうだね プレイ済み
LOL, I should have known that this would be nothing like I though it would be!

*WINKs back*
It HAS to be one of these keys for sure.
0そうだね プレイ済み