Also, yeah, it stinks you can't post stuff
They could make up for it by making a world map like in SMW and allow players to make their own games.... I'm still a bit confused as to why the theme was NSMB U instead of 2....
To everyone who wants a key, i have nothing to give. As I said in my earlier post, all my stuff got deleted, save for the old achievements project. Luckily, I found Clepto's sprites, but aside from that, I have no more files. I would work on re-programming, but:
1) Mario Maker is coming to 3ds anyways
2) My touch screen doesn't work properly.
Also, that's an old screenshot I use to make posts
The game I've been programming is called PANDORA: The adventure begins. The plot is this: you live on the planet of Pandora, a planet made 90 percent of water. A gang called land pirates emerged and pirates everything. They steal and do "evil stuff". You play as a shieldsman, and that's all I can say for the moment.
While I can't update the 3ds version, the PC version is being developed in C++, so when I get some progress, I'll post it on my blog. I'll continue the 3ds version once I rake up enough to fix my screen.
Hey, so, I was originally not going to say anything, but I think it unfair to leave for a while and not say anything. My 3ds touch screen somehow is so messed up that I cannot touch some regions of the upper right hand corner, so I can't type. Also, I made the mistake of using browserhax, so my files are all gone. I am so thankful I regularly back up my sd, but this really set me back.