Mages discussion #2
I've created a map. Again, feel free to give any ideas to you think would help inprove my game. Please comment if you would like to help(see profile)make this game. If you help you will be thanked a ton. Also, follow me if you like!

Is there a way to detect collision with a background layer, without grabbing/using player coordinates to check for every single wall?

for all those wondering here is how to load a map just replace ZMAP with the name of your map.

today, my cousin had football practice(FYI: i DO NOT play sports) and on the way home I heard "Dream On" which made me feel good about my (Possible)future with programming.
: )
just listen to it.

How do I make a bite of code loop a certian number of times?
Any help would be appreciated!
1そうだね プレイ済み
New Contest voting. $$$
so ive been wanting to do my own programming contest for a while now but never found a good one so.. im willing to do a 10-$20 prize for winner.
ill let you guys give ideas for contest themes first and add my own.
then we will choose a theme and start it, depending on choises for when to do it.
anyways, bring on those ideas!
7そうだね プレイ済み
Good Mode 7 Engine?
Can anyone lend me some keys to good Mode 7 engines? Im trying to make a kart racer similar to Super Mario Kart, yet I need a mode 7 engine that can render map data.
0そうだね プレイ済み
druuuuUuUUUUUHHg simulator

made a pretty cool map to use for most all tests.
