how do you show bg?
i have lots of bgs but i dont know how to start them.
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How does it look for a first game title?
4そうだね プレイ済み
So, I'm making a new game called Mages. It's a game about a guy who sets out on an adventure to save the guardians protecting the land. For more info, ask below. As of right now, its not even considered a game! So please pitch in and help make this reality! If you want to help, comment below and say what you want to help with.
2そうだね プレイ済み
help! i dont know how to use bgload!
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i skipped the 2nd goal in canydash!
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the clone making wars
can someone make a minish cap clone? best one gets a follow!
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I just got this today.
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Basic-Craft update: So this is something i added awhile ago but its a world selection screen! No, world generation hasnt been made yet, i havent started and i dont know how will make it for now. But yeah it functions, it checks if a file a present and if it is itll load it, if not itll generate a new world (When World gen gets done) :D
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tips section 1
i wrote this so we can post how to do stuff so people know how to do lots of things. please comment and tell us what you know about coding.
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campin out in petit world :l
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Alright, so heres a small strip of sprites that took a bit of inspiration from classic smt games, i now need to figure out how to make a menu that displays HP and a damage option, then ill get a simple rpg battle system down.
1そうだね プレイ済み
neat, a light filter! now i can debug at 1 in the morning
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