I am making a team of programmers so the games on SmileBASIC can be more fun and more well put together.We(the team)will only work on 1 game at a time so we can focus on it better.I will be the “leader” of this “game making team”and whoever starts focusing on the games more will be “promoted”.
I just need to make a few more questions, and then the Official "Would you rather" Demo will be ready! The reason i'm calling this the "Official Demo" is because its a bit more "Stylish", for a lack of words. Yes it does still look nearly the same, but i'm thinking of giving 1 or 2 people an early demo. I'll put their names in the credits for playtesting the Demo"
GAME MAKING TEAM POST [#2]~ Always accepting new members!
The team is called Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious.
We are currently making a Miiverse RPG. Current members:
V.G. Lover
Possibly you!
We need spriters, coders, pros, n00bs, and playtesters.
Small update on BitByte MML - now you can scroll through the editor, both time-wise and note-wise. Note-wise will of course slightly modify the piano roll. Now you can also preview notes by tapping the piano keys, and the menu on the side gives some information.
After a day of nonstop coding, i finally finished the demo (key in screenshot). The demo include 10 questions, and 2 secrets. So, what are you waiting for? Download it!
Ok, quick question, How would i make it where if i pressed UP on the depad, then it would save your progress in the game? And also, how would i make where if i pushed a button it would load that data? Basically i need to know how to save and load data while playing the game.
Ah yes, Cringe...
I'm just going back to visit these old projects that were never completed that i got a hold of. There was Fnati world, that was pure cringe, and there was also Agar.io (i think that was it's name), which luckily never was finished.
I was trying to use this program, but it said Error on line 20, and it also said type mismatch (LOAD). So could someone help me out really quickly? (I promise that this is my last question for today.)(also, i'm not very good at programming)
Haven't heard from me in a while oops. Here's a status update about where I am in the MOT project. Adding option to swap screens didn't work as well as I'd like so they've been permanently swapped. Then I had to reformat the info screen. Now, adding a little more functionality before it is ready to test.