hello welcome to 3rd dimesion games! we mostly work on text adventures you are welcome to have your own side projects if you want we need a script writer and an editor I will be the coder and designer have fun!
2そうだね プレイ済み
I've read in the command help screen that if you include a "save" to the program, the save dialog box can't be hidden. Is there another command or some workaround code so that I can autosave to a program file? Also, is there a command to add code to the editor from the program environment? I want to write some self modifying quines that can autosave to its own file after the modifications.
1そうだね プレイ済み
write this code and somthing funny will happen
6そうだね プレイ済み
it says illegal function call in 12 whats the problem?
6そうだね プレイ済み
scrolling text help, for end credits.
i would like scrolling text for my end credits, like going upwards, like a movie end credits.
is this possible?
2そうだね 未プレイ
Why can't I move the sprite?
5そうだね プレイ済み
3D scaling
Is there an entirely accurate equation yielding a sprite's SPOFS Z value and SPSCALE relative to its theoretical Z-location in a 3D space, as perceived by the player, with the system's titular 3D feature enabled?
2そうだね プレイ済み
sneek peak to kalif a text adventure
1そうだね プレイ済み
What's this!? Day/Night cycle and respawning trees and ore rocks? Yes!
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How about you think a little, and EVOLVE™?
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Messed with the BGMPLAY command after running 12Me21s "Watching Paint Dry" Wav. and everytime i hit start it plays the wav for 2 seconds. Im confused
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ok im making my credits, if you helped me/my game and i forgot PLEASE TELL ME as i deleted the big list of people and dont have all.
if you helped in any way please tell me, if theres an error with current one please tell me!
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Blockcraft 3D Alpha 1.5 is released. Key in screenshot.
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Any new keys?
Hey guys I was wondering if there are any good new keys. Is there?
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