I am not sure if my previous post actually sent, but I keep getting a stack overflow error on SPOFS 0,X,Y. In previous lines theres a loop that GOSUBs this area and also updates the X and Y variables numerous times a second if that matters.
so this is a game I made probably a year ago, key is REJD49D. it's pretty fun but simple. got pretty bored with it after like 2 or 3 weeks. inspired by pokeyoshi19 I even put you in the credits yoshi, if you're reading this
I've tried a bunch of diffrent things with SPHITSP but none of them work, the "help" is useless and it should have a built-in tutorial like petite computer did. I really need help though, I've checked websites and couldn't find anything. (And yes I've tried SPCOL, didn't work)
why does
make a lot of problems with most of my other code?
i just want to put text on the touch screen, is there a special place to put this or another way to do it?
i have
when i try to print text on the touch screen it moves the sprite and map to the touch screen, i want it to leave everything on the top screen and print on only the touch screen, how do i do this?