This is an erraly build of a (hopefully) open world game. any and all criticism is appreciated, as well as ideas.
key: CK33X4D6
to open run the file called DE-COMPRESS and select yes for saving everything
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try my new seizer 1.0 project. Note: updates will come in the future
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how can i make the program stop flickering?
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game Player phase 1: load maps
I have no clue how I'm going to handle collisions, though...
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hey i need to know how to make somthing i want get printed as somthing else im trying to make a encryption. and i really need help.
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how would i add sp and sprite movement?
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Question: Why cant we use start?
I'm starting to think that I should use Unity 2D/3D If i want to make a game...
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How do I load a sprite and move it with a button?
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12ME21'S minecraft thingy looks creepy...
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It says my BGFILL is out of range, any suggestions on how to fix it?
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how come my line 339 doesn't work?
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