Here's the second beta of Lowerdash 0.6!
Along with bug fixes, you get nested prototype access, improved imports, and a new way to use dynamic dispatch! OH MY!
Is there someone who knows the brawl code well enough to explain parts of it to me? Like, I want to be able to change the way characters look, and change their attacks. I have changed the rgb values, and the bgm.
ok getting first time run, load screen done for my game from ptc. now have to recalibrate the loadbar for reading data during configuration setup. plus rewrite dt_file_chk to work with smile basic, before setup create main files.
If you could give me hints about using the keyboard, animating, wave testing, ect., I will release Pokèmon Z for SmileBASIC. This is the latest game in the series, after Pokèmon X and Pokèmon Y.
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Delta Programming is a group who improves games/programs.
We have already improved the smile button some features are:Voice Recorder, Alarm Clock, and system. These are just a few things we have done. Join now. Thank You, Lead programmer, Evan