Created perlin noise Heightmap generator! Perfect for a Minecraft style game!
11そうだね プレイ済み
yaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! i finally one!!!!!!!!!
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just a thought. Anyone know if theres a platform engine out there that's ready to be downloaded and modified that includes horizontal scrolling? If so please let me know if not guess i'll be making my own, which isn't a bad idea but would save me some time :]
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almost all the menus for my game is done. sprites and animations are half done. after menu is done im going to make a new file and make/modify a platformer engine and then add to the main file, wish me luck ;]
[log] 500+ lines of code and counting :)
3そうだね プレイ済み
¿debo hacerlo mejor?
¿me faltaron fresas?
5そうだね プレイ済み
This is how the R.O.B. program is progressing.
-R.O.B. is still missing body parts/animation/ceiling collision
-Camera needs to be improved
-R.O.B. needs his fighting mechanics.
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I found a way to actually encrypt stuff. This method is fool-proof. Unless you have the key, you cannot correctly generate the message, and unless you have the message, you cannot get the key! The key isn't stored anywhere either, so someone cannot, say, get rid of the password check for the file.
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Finally get to make sprites!
How do those work again?
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Does anyone remember the commandore 64 such good memorys
I made a simple world generator
Public Key:A3VEENHE
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i have a syntax error on line 39,could someone help me?
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How can I learn SmileBASIC ,because I hate the manual.
Dystopian Games
Are there any out there? Maze Runner or Hunger Games style story, but different gameplay&challenges?
1そうだね 未プレイ
Please tell me all of your requests for "skins" for this in the comments below.
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Wrote a ROT(n) codec. Needed to take a break from dungeon gen :) Back in the day, people used to use ROT13 encoding in newsgroups to prevent each other from accidentally reading tv/movie/book spoilers, or punchlines to jokes...pretty handy!
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Is there a way to make the refresh rate faster even thoe the pixels are smaller on the 3d map that I'm working on in the screen shot?
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New high score. I feel like I'm really bad at this game.
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Finally, beat the game with the last character.
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nobody will be up at this time but im creating my first diy program
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Okay! Back to procedural generation. Here's the first iteration of my cave generator. It's just cellular automata with some tweaks.
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Minecraft-style world generation (NF). Its just a proof of concept. Its in no way finished and is just a jumpstart for the eventual SmileCraft. Key [B45333LJ]
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im going to make a program that will show simple examples.
for loops
button input
modification of sample programs
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