Would anyone like to help me make Pokemon style NPCs for my RPG? For anyone interested, I need a front facing, back facing, left, and right facing sprites.
GG, just finished the spirte collision test and a simple hit point system. The player also bounces back depending if they got hit from the left side or right side. now onward to AI movement
how do you save a file, cuz i made this sweet game and every time i go to home menu everytings deleted! i'd really like an awnser to this problem, cuz idk how to save a file
Hey, I need some programming ideas to keep me occupied. If I make your idea into a game I'll be sure to give you credit. I'll be looking forward to seeing all the ideas! Also, try not to make them very difficult. (I'm not extremely good at programming [yet].) EVENT ENDS: 11/21/15
Roll the credits! RPG Log 12: Started work on enemies (not much though, you can walk through them). Also made many menu improvements (like credits, a cooler X in axe, and Better menu controls. Also, lots of text boxes now scroll besides those that shouldn't, like signs. Also I fixed a bug that slipped past me, with Calc84maniac's help. Friday is coming up!