E3 NEWS: V360Tech's "Really Great RPG 2" is now "Really Great Fidget Spinner Simulator". "I've decided to take a completely different direction," V360 says, "and the game is becoming better because of it."
(Fidget Spinner item added)
EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: V360 is improving the fidget spinner. The sprite will become four sprites and will actually look decent. When asked about the release date, he took out a folder that contained a picture with geometry that, if seen by the average human, will cause them to collapse into a jumble of polygons. Sadly, Frank saw the picture, and thus will no longer be covering E3 this year.
UPDATE: "I did not put that picture in the folder," V360 says, "I genuinely forgot the release date and had it printed out. The government says that the picture was overwritten by some unknown force that left behind a few tesseract-shaped particles." The government has reason to believe that the reality that we are living in is slowly falling apart.
CORRECTION: "The government" should be replaced with "Government scientists". We apologise for this error.
UPDATE: Reality is falling apart. The government scientists have irrefutable evidence that they are living in a hypothetical situation. More on this as it develops.